
皇冠现金盘公司拥有五个养鱼场, which are the cornerstone of our longstanding commitment to supporting salmon, steelhead and sturgeon populations in the Snake River.

皇冠现金盘公司的地狱峡谷综合设施, 包括地狱峡谷, 牛轭和Brownlee水坝, 于1968年完工.

甚至在建筑完工之前, hg8868皇冠下载 realized that salmon and steelhead upstream of the Hells Canyon Complex were being impacted by the inability of young fish to migrate downstream through Brownlee Reservoir. Initial plans for maintaining these populations included collecting the young fish above Brownlee Reservoir and moving them below the three-dam hydroelectric complex to continue their journey to the Pacific Ocean.

After considering alternative solutions, hg8868皇冠下载 developed the state of Idaho’s first anadromous fish hatchery near 牛轭 Dam in 1962. Its goal was to determine whether Snake River fall Chinook salmon could be reared in a hatchery. 最终, it was a test to determine if hatchery production could replace natural production lost as a result of dam construction.

答案是肯定的. 在早期的成功之后 牛轭, three more hatcheries quickly followed. 急流河孵化场 建于1964年, 尼亚加拉弹簧, near Wendell, was built 1966, followed by the Pahsimeroi孵化器 1967年在查理附近.

今天, 皇冠现金盘公司的孵化场, in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, yield millions of Chinook salmon and steelhead smolts (young ocean-bound fish) each year, contributing significantly to anadromous fishing opportunities in both Idaho and Oregon.

Maintaining abundant salmon and steelhead populations provides harvest opportunities for both recreational anglers and traditional Native American fishers.

Our hatcheries are located where returning hatchery-origin adults can be captured and artificially spawned to produce the next generation of fish.

我们的保护 鲟鱼孵化器, 也位于尼亚加拉泉, opened in 2021 with the goal of adding 2,500 juvenile white sturgeon to the Middle Snake River each spring.